Abe Brown Ministries’ inspHire program emboldens formerly incarcerated persons by equipping them with marketable skills to secure gainful employment and achieve self-sufficiency.
Ready4Work-Hillsborough is now, inspHire!
What’s in a name? Our desire to reintroduce ourselves as inspHire comes from an effort to communicate the true intention behind our reentry work: more than ready, we want you to be inspired.
We’ve changed our name only to more accurately describe the goal when providing the highest level of reentry support to our clients.
To inspire means to create a feeling in a person; an urge to do or fulfill with a sense of urgency, especially something creative. Our inspHire re-entry program seeks to do just that: transformation that incites a feeling of empowerment: a feeling that allows one to create a new reality, new life. A feeling where one is not only prepared but inherently and uniquely capable despite their past challenges.
Abe Brown Ministries (ABM) has earned the trust of our clients and the community since 1977.
In 2014, ABM launched a reentry program designed to embolden and develop (personally & professionally) citizens with lived incarceration assisting them in securing gainful employment in order to achieve self-sufficiency. That program is now known as inspHire.
ABM’s inspHire program accomplishes this by providing comprehensive interventions that stabilize the lives of our clients so that they can focus on sobriety, good health, training, and personal growth.
Clients are formerly incarcerated persons who are not habitual violent offenders, do not have any sexual offenses, and must undergo a complete background screening prior to acceptance into the program. Upon acceptance, participants are required to attend a comprehensive six-week professional development training course, featuring employability and life management skills. Additionally, participants are paired with a case manager who provides guidance and support, as well as referrals for community assistance, life-coaching, and follow-up drug screening.
Benefits of the inspHire Program
- HART bus pass to attend inspHire classes
- Lunch provided daily
- Employability skills and vocational training
- Assistance with GED preparation and testing
- Family reunification assistance
- Employment Placement Assistance
- Professional clothing provided for job interviews
- Clothing/employment equipment

Our mission is to break cycles of incarceration by transforming the minds and hearts of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals.