Transitional Living
The Transitional Living Program (TLP) is part of the inspHire program. Only those who apply to the inspHire program and are accepted to the inspHire program can receive TLP housing.
TLP is a 12-month program established to provide returning citizens with a safe residence, afford the opportunity to attain employment, assist in re-acclimating to society and disciple those to be accountable and productive in mainstream living. TLP is a voluntary faith-based program that currently only houses men. Residents (or participants) of the program are required to complete the inspHire program.
Please Contact Us for more information regarding the inspHire Transitional Living Program.
- Participants must be individuals who have recently been released from jail/prison.
- Participants must be male and at least 18 years old.
- Participants’ latest charge cannot be one of a violent or sexual nature.