“It’s your move!” – Rev. Abe Brown
Are you ready to make the changes it takes to transform your life? Are you motivated by a new beginning? Do you want to be a part of a community that roots for you to be your best self?
If you’re ready to make the commitment to creating a better life for yourself, let us help.
inspHire is a comprehensive program, operated by Abe Brown Ministries, that provides formerly incarcerated persons with the skills and support necessary to transition back into the community and workforce as a productive and responsible citizen. The program provides:
- Case management
- Employment skills training
- Life coaching
- Job placement
In addition, inspHire works with other local organizations to provide support for issues and barriers that may keep you from gaining employment or enjoying a stable life.
- Must be an adult who has served time at a Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice facility, or
- Be on community supervision or probation, or
- Participating in a State Attorney’s Office Diversion or Pretrial Intervention Program, or
- Have a lived incarceration experience
- Cannot be a habitual violent offender*
- Cannot have any sexual offenses
- Cannot have pending or open cases
- Drug-Free**
- Transitioning back into the communities and workforce of Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, or Polk counties and able to participate in person
*pending circumstances, some client charges may be reviewed on a case by case basis for admittance.
**program admittance dependent on results of drug-screen.
Qualified applicants are asked to provide the following information prior to enrollment:
- Valid government issued ID or driver’s license or Social Security number (if possible)
- Actively participate in all applicable program requirements (Professional Development Course, Case Management, Life Coaching, Job Coaching/Follow-up)
- Pass initial and random drug screenings for length of program
- Financial client achievement incentives
- HART bus pass to attend inspHire classes
- Professional job interview attire
- Certificate of completion
- Transitional Housing
Check out our monthly newsletter to potential clients, here!

Inspired: filled with the urge or ability to do or feel something.